Interdisciplinary EM&Ts challenge at the Politecnico di Milano, Design School | 12-16 July 2021

This is the second of a series of interdisciplinary challenges organized within the DATEMATS project, an international learning experience involving students and teaching staff from the universities involved in the project: Aalto university, Politecnico di Milano, Tecnun Universidad de Navarra, Copenhagen School of Design and Technology. The workshop is held at Politecnico di Milano, Design School – 12-16 July 2021.

The interdisciplinary EM&Ts challenge is a workshop made of a combination of hands-on experimentation, design activities, and lectures and presentations by the teaching staff of the four universities and by partnering companies. Twenty-six students will work together in multidisciplinary teams to find solutions for this challenge and to produce product concepts, prototypes, and material samples. Students will apply a new design methodology developed within the project to design with four Emerging Materials and technologies (EM&Ts). The method and tools will support students in understanding, exploring and shaping, and applying EM&Ts, and finding design opportunities from their intersection. Indeed, the main EM&Ts explored in the workshop is Interactive Connected and Smart Materials (ICS Materials), but all the other EM&Ts researched in the project will be integrated: Nanomaterials, Experimental Wood-based Materials, and Advanced Growing Materials.

“Designing with ICS Materials: a dialogue between e-textiles and active lighting technologies”
In this interdisciplinary challenge, a real-life design brief is given to students by the cooperation of two partnering companies: Comftech and SCILIF. The joint challenge is about using the two technologies produced by the companies – a textile sensor by Comftech, and SunFibre active lighting system by SCILIF – as a platform to develop interactive, connected, and smart tangible interfaces for new application sectors focused on stress management and relief, from wellbeing to safety.


Company presenting the brief

Comftech creates and sells wearable monitoring systems made from cloth. Comftech smart garments enable accurate measurement of a range of physiological parameters and offer reliable, continuous and non-invasive monitoring.
Company presentation: Monday, 12th July, 9:45-10:15
“Wearable systems for remote monitoring”
Alessia Montani – CEO of Comftech

SCILIF is a combination of these two key words that fundamentally express what we do: applying new technologies to make life safer (“Science for Life”). Their SunFibre Wearable Active Lighting Technology is a unique optic fibre lighting system encased in a textile coating. It increases visibility in darkness or lowlight conditions.
Company presentation: Monday, 12th July, 10:15-10:45

Title: “Wearable Active Lighting…a new market segment”

By: Markéta Králová – Head of Business Development; Peter Skrla – CEO of SCILIF; Riccardo Dettoni – Syn&Tek, representing SCILIF in Italy

Design Pills

Baolab | Baolab is an innovative design laboratory that boasts fully-fledged expertise in the fields of design strategy, research on materials and exclusively advanced technologic processes, colour & trend forecasting, and cmf design (colour, material and finishing).

Design Pill: Monday, 12th July, 17:00-18:00

“Materials driven design with a CMF approach
Manuela Bonaiti – Co-founder of Baolab Studio; Guido Masotti – materials engineer

Ocloya | Ocloya is the experimental studio by designer Loana Flores. She has worked in different companies in the fashion industry and has studied textile art, learning different textile techniques and experimenting with them. She has taken the Fabricademy program which allows her to understand new ways to craft textiles with digital fabrication.

Design Pill: Tuesday, 13th July, 14:15-15:15
Title: “Experimentations with e-textiles and bio-textiles”
Loana Flores – Designer

Krill Design | Krill Design is an Italian start-up enhancing food waste through a process based on circular economic concepts, which makes it possible to transform organic scraps to generate Circular Materials and Circular Design. Boosting the re-valorisation of organic waste, Krill Design proposes converting it into innovative materials in pellet and filament format to 3D print products that collaborate to the reduction of pollution, promoting the transition from a linear to a circular economy system.

Design Pill: Wednesday, 14th July, 14:15-15:15
“From waste, value for the future. Circular Design with reclaimed organic materials”
Domiziana Illengo – Marketing & Communication manager; Sofia Duarte Poblete – Product Designer; Victoria Rodriguez Schon – Product Designer


8.30 Breakfast

9.15 Welcome – presentation of the project DATEMATS – Interdisciplinary
EM&Ts challenge agenda overview

9:45 Presentation by Comftech: “Wearable systems for remote monitoring”

10:15 Presentation by SCILIF: “Wearable Active Lighting…a new market segment”

11:00 Short Break

11:15 Brief and exploration of Companies Technologies – Q&As

12:15 Understanding ICS Materials. Presentation by Polimi, Department of Design

12: 45 Understanding ICS Materials. Presentation by Polimi, Department of Design

13.15 Lunch

14.15 BasedUnderstanding Experimental Wood-based materials. Presentation by CHEMARTS, Aalto University

14.45 Understanding Advanced Growing materials. Presentation by KEA Material Design Lab

15.15 Q&As on EM&Ts

15:30 Tutored groups activity: Exploration of the EM&Ts toolkits and the inspirational cards for EM&Ts intersection

16.45 Break

17:00 Design Pill by Baolab: “Materials driven design with a CMF approach” – Q&As

18:00 End of Day 1 and overview of next days agenda – Polimi Design Campus tour for visiting staff and incoming students (18:00-19:00)

8:30 Breakfast
9:15 Introduction of the DAY

9:30 Introduction to the tutored Group activity: Discover the materials and technologies through Experimenting & Shaping.

10:00 Introduction to block coding and circuits making by Polimi Prototypes Lab Staff

10:15 In-Lab hands-on experimental activity in the Prototypes Lab

12:30 Presentations of the activity results, discussion and feedback

13.15 Lunch

14:15 Design Pill by Ocloya: “Experimentations with e-textiles and bio-textiles” – Q&As

15:15 Break

15:30 Tutored Group activity: Discover the context and search for opportunities (Market/competitor analysis; Users/target; Case research, desk research)

18:00 End of Day 2 and overview of next days agenda

8:30 Breakfast

9:15 Introduction to DAY 3

9:30 Tutored groups activity: Ideas Development & Definition
– Applying (Development and definition of 2-3 ideas for each
13.15 Lunch

14:15 Design Pill by Krill Design: “From waste, value for the
future. Circular Design with reclaimed organic materials” –

15:15 Break

15.30 Tutored groups activity: Ideas Development & Definition – Applying (Development and definition of 2-3 ideas for each group)

16.15 Intermediate presentation of the ideas to the companies and teaching staff – Feedback and Design idea selection

18:00 End of DAY 3 and overview of next days agenda

8:30 Breakfast
9:15 Introduction to DAY 4

9:30 Tutored groups activity: projects Development and

13:15 Lunch

14.15 Tutored groups activity: project Development and Prototyping

18:00 End of DAY 4 and overview of next days agenda

8:30 Breakfast
9:15 Introduction  to DAY 5

9:30 Tutored groups activity: Finalizing the Prototypes and

13:15 Lunch

14:15 Groups activity: Finalizing the Prototypes and Presentations

15:30 Final project presentation to the companies and teaching staff – feedback

18:00 End of the Interdisciplinary EM&Ts Challenge

ICS wearables, POLIMI – Download the student projects